An analytics-first approach to addressing population health

Social barriers place a significant financial burden on our healthcare ecosystem. Addressing these challenges requires an analytics-first approach.


Understand risk exposure and needs for communities you serve



Avoid strategies that systematically miss the health of communities, cohorts and individuals


Inform specific strategies and investments


Unmatched intelligence on social risk

Socially Determined's proprietary risk models incorporate thousands of raw data elements from federal, state, local, commercial and consumer data sources. 

The resulting risk scores, underlying risk drivers, and other contextual and demographic data are available for the entire U.S.


Flexible delivery of accurate and comprehensive insights

  • Receive data packages and integrate social risk
  • Leverage dynamic visualization and decision-support tools within SocialScape platform
  • Access granular-level social risk data across the entire U.S. - individual level, zip code or 200-meter level
  • Identify high concentrations of social risk across seven domains
  • View business, healthcare provider and community resource overlays

Delivering clear value for life sciences companies

For Enterprise Analytics and Data Strategy

  • Construct elevated SDOH profiles on both the community as well as patient level 
  • Provide individual analysis of specified patient cohorts within prioritized therapeutic and brand areas
  • Receive contextual data packages to integrate Socially Determined's social risk scores and insights into existing systems

For Brand, Marketing and Commercialization 

  • Evaluate the impact of social risk on brand awareness and medication adherence
  • Identify elevated risk populations in which awareness and intervention opportunities could impact patient outcomes
  • Provide individual analysis of specified patient cohorts within prioritized therapeutic and brand areas
  • Build comprehensive go-to market strategies

For Real World Evidence 

  • Provide individual analysis of specified patient cohorts within prioritized therapeutic and brand areas
  • More precisely identify health risks, especially for new patients who don't have a medical record and claims history
  • Conduct population-level analyses to drive intervention development and other business strategies

For Market Access 

  • Identify elevated risk populations in which intervention opportunities impact patient outcomes
  • Utilize data across all brands and therapeutic areas to allow for integration in multiple initiatives
  • Conduct population-level analyses to drive intervention development

Explore more about Socially Determined


Our Approach

Understand the impact of the Social Determinants of Health on those you serve to drive strategic interventions.


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