
You can't change what you can't measure (Video) — Socially Determined

Written by Socially Determined | Dec 23, 2020 9:13:52 AM

Socially Determined was a sponsor of the RISE National Summit on Social Determinants of Health at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC this past June. Our president and co-founder, Ryan Bosch, MD, spoke on the panel, “Creating and Securing a Sustainable Financial Model for SDOH.” He joined panel moderator Erica Hutchins Coe (Partner, McKinsey & Company) and speakers Melinda Abrams (Vice President of Delivery System Reform, The Commonwealth Fund) and Michael Monson (Senior Vice President of Medicaid and Complex Care, Centene/Social Health Bridge Trust) to discuss financial models to sustain SDOH initiatives.

In the video below, Dr. Bosch explains why the adage “You can’t change what you can’t measure” applies to the social determinants of health.

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