HIMSS Publishes SDOH Guide, Providing Industry with World-Class Resource
HIMSS Publishes SDOH Guide, Providing Industry with World-Class Resource
Mar 18, 2021 4:13:00 AMSocial Determinants of Health have been getting a lot of attention, and for good reason. The impact these factors have o...
The Significant Seven: Our Components of the Social Determinants of Health
The Significant Seven: Our Components of the Social Determinants of Health
Dec 23, 2020 4:13:52 AMWhen we first launched Socially Determined in 2017, we set out on a journey of discovery to find out what the American h...
You can't change what you can't measure (Video)
You can't change what you can't measure (Video)
Dec 23, 2020 4:13:52 AMSocially Determined was a sponsor of the RISE National Summit on Social Determinants of Health at the Capital Hilton in ...
Learn to Leverage Social Risk Intelligence™ and Next Best Actions at MESC
Learn to Leverage Social Risk Intelligence™ and Next Best Actions at MESC
Dec 23, 2020 4:13:52 AMBy Brad Rose, Socially Determined and Amogh Rajan, Vantage Health Technologies The pandemic has been a catalyst to surfa...
Alleviating Healthcare Disparities Across Socioeconomic Classes
Alleviating Healthcare Disparities Across Socioeconomic Classes
Dec 23, 2020 4:13:52 AMMost healthcare stakeholders and beyond recognize that major healthcare disparities exist between different racial and s...
Response to “Integrating Social and Medical Care: Could it Worsen Health and Increase Inequity?” (Gottlieb & Alderwick, 2019)
Response to “Integrating Social and Medical Care: Could it Worsen Health and Increase Inequity?” (Gottlieb & Alderwick, 2019)
Dec 23, 2020 4:13:52 AMWe applaud Gottlieb and Alderwick for calling attention to potential unintended consequences associated with incorporati...