How Medical Research Can Be Improved for Advancing Health Equity
How Medical Research Can Be Improved for Advancing Health Equity
Nov 28, 2021 4:13:00 AMThe medical field has learned a lot of painful lessons from the COVID-19 outbreak, and one of the most striking is just ...
HITRUST Collaborate 2021: Yes, You Can (HI)TRUST a Startup with Ryan Bosch, MD
HITRUST Collaborate 2021: Yes, You Can (HI)TRUST a Startup with Ryan Bosch, MD
Nov 22, 2021 4:13:00 AMRisk management and compliance are critical and challenging tasks for start-up companies. Implementing a program can be ...
Socially Determined Spotlight Series Food Insecurity with Ashley Perry, MPH, Chief Solutions Officer
Socially Determined Spotlight Series Food Insecurity with Ashley Perry, MPH, Chief Solutions Officer
Nov 9, 2021 4:13:00 AMSocially Determined’s new Spotlight video series highlights unique findings driven by Social Risk Intelligence™ to creat...
The Links Between Socioeconomic Status & Health Outcomes in Old Age
The Links Between Socioeconomic Status & Health Outcomes in Old Age
Nov 5, 2021 4:13:00 AMNumerous articles and studies have pointed at the link between low socioeconomic status and poor health outcomes among c...
Introducing The Digital Landscape Risk Metric to the SocialScape® Platform
Introducing The Digital Landscape Risk Metric to the SocialScape® Platform
Nov 2, 2021 4:13:00 AMThe reliance we place on technology in all facets of our daily lives has been steadily increasing for a generation – and...
Why Socioeconomic Disparities Create Poor Health Outcomes Among Vulnerable Populations
Why Socioeconomic Disparities Create Poor Health Outcomes Among Vulnerable Populations
Oct 29, 2021 4:13:00 AMIt's well-known that socioeconomic disparities tend to lead to poor health, and poor healthcare outcomes - but why is th...