

How Medical Research Can Be Improved for Advancing Health Equity
How Medical Research Can Be Improved for Advancing Health Equity
Nov 28, 2021 4:13:00 AM

The medical field has learned a lot of painful lessons from the COVID-19 outbreak, and one of the most striking is just ...

HITRUST Collaborate 2021: Yes, You Can (HI)TRUST a Startup with Ryan Bosch, MD
HITRUST Collaborate 2021: Yes, You Can (HI)TRUST a Startup with Ryan Bosch, MD
Nov 22, 2021 4:13:00 AM

Risk management and compliance are critical and challenging tasks for start-up companies. Implementing a program can be ...

The Links Between Socioeconomic Status & Health Outcomes in Old Age
The Links Between Socioeconomic Status & Health Outcomes in Old Age
Nov 5, 2021 4:13:00 AM

Numerous articles and studies have pointed at the link between low socioeconomic status and poor health outcomes among c...

Introducing The Digital Landscape Risk Metric to the SocialScape® Platform
Introducing The Digital Landscape Risk Metric to the SocialScape® Platform
Nov 2, 2021 4:13:00 AM

The reliance we place on technology in all facets of our daily lives has been steadily increasing for a generation – and...

Why Socioeconomic Disparities Create Poor Health Outcomes Among Vulnerable Populations
Why Socioeconomic Disparities Create Poor Health Outcomes Among Vulnerable Populations
Oct 29, 2021 4:13:00 AM

It's well-known that socioeconomic disparities tend to lead to poor health, and poor healthcare outcomes - but why is th...